
53 Critical Success Factors to Minimize Costs of Vendor Services

Introduction This paper will lay out the critical success factors to minimize the costs of vendor services. We’ll primarily use examples from telecom, but this applies to services purchased from vendors in general.   Overview The process is simple. 1. Create granular visibility into your spending, creating an inventory of every single service. 2. Review […]

What do we do to identify unused or underutilized services?

A partner’s client asked – “Can you please provide more detail on what you do to identify unused or underutilized services?” It is a great question. Pre-requisite For EVERY Line, Number, Service we determine the Utilization Type Physical Location Line Status Hunt Group Business Need Relevant Contract, incl. end date or status If the phone […]

How Are We Different?

We were recently ask by a partner how we differ from other firms. We rattled off a few examples. Our clients report getting several times the savings working with us, compared to firms whose primary expertise is limited to eliminating billing errors. We look beyond billing errors, so our clients see savings beyond simply the […]

Further Reading

Additional material is available to download How to Manage Telecom Costs Short article on Managing Telecom costs and some simple things that can be done to greatly reduce telecom costs and show a high return. PDF Printable Document 118kb Also seen in Technology Insider newsletter, and Prime Advantage’s Prime Times Newsletter How to Manage Telecom Costs.   Relocation Guide for […]

Competitive Landscape

There are a number of good competitors in the TEM industry. Their general focus is on the activities involved in acquiring and paying for telecom services — contract compliance, paying bills, looking for bill errors and anomalies. Most of the firms could best be described as Telecom Admin Support. This save time and about 15% […]

Berlin Pacific Management Reports

Berlin Pacific maintains a reporting database to support decision making and to track progress through the lifecycle of a Telecom Expense Reduction project. Services Inventory A detailed inventory of existing telecom services broken down to the line and sub-service (e.g. DID) level with their associated costs. An accurate and detailed inventory is critical because, due […]

Berlin Pacific Telecom Expense Reduction Process

Telecom expenses are difficult to manage. The processes are manual, and the complex task of analyzing bills takes up too much staff time. How do you have control and cut telecom expenses? How do you make sure you’re paying the right amount for the right things? Berlin Pacific has developed a free Telecom Expense Reduction […]

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