What do we do to identify unused or underutilized services?

A partner’s client asked – “Can you please provide more detail on what you do to identify unused or underutilized services?”

It is a great question.

For EVERY Line, Number, Service we determine the

  • Utilization
  • Type
  • Physical Location
  • Line Status
  • Hunt Group
  • Business Need
  • Relevant Contract, incl. end date or status
  • If the phone # appears in multiple bills

This is a pre-requisite – and we have found our clients never have ALL of this data on hand. We have to gather this data for our clients from their vendors and construct a complete inventory.

Our systems and processes identify potentially unused services based on the following criteria:

  • Business Need
  • Utilization
  • Line Status (up / down, plugged in, etc.)
  • Actual location
  • Hunt group
  • Mismatch between above
  • In an abandoned location


Our team has sufficient time and a process to:

  • Review each service.
  • Flag services that need to be review with clients.
  • Work with stakeholders to determine business needs.
  • Gather data from vendor on an ongoing basis, and put in disconnect and change orders.
  • Use our system to track removal of services from bills.


In addition:

  • Our process and system discovers services buried in bills that clients are unaware of.
  • We identify services you’re obligated to buy, but aren’t using.
  • We have people and processes to ensure you use the unused services you must buy, replacing services you are using but aren’t obligated to buy.


Our “Telecom Expense Management Self Assessment” worksheet lists all the steps we take.

To get a copy of the “Telecom Expense Management Self Assessment” worksheet, emailed to you as an excel file, please go to this URL http://eepurl.com/cPiBZT.

The worksheet is a self assessment of how your current Telecom Expense Management processes compare to the leading practices recommended in our book “Principles of Telecom Expense Management” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076LRTFPG . The first column lists the 57 different things you need to do in order to fully optimize telecom costs. The second column “Typical Setup Today” lists what most companies do. The third column “With TEM SaaS” lists what TEM SaaS solutions are theoretically able to do. The fourth column shows what you can do with the leading practices recommended in this book. In the fifth column you can check off what your organization does today.

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