How Are We Different?

We were recently ask by a partner how we differ from other firms. We rattled off a few examples.

Our clients report getting several times the savings working with us, compared to firms whose primary expertise is limited to eliminating billing errors.

We look beyond billing errors, so our clients see savings beyond simply the elimination of billing errors.

We help clients identify and remove unused services and consolidate underutilized services, and get better pricing from carriers.

Many of the audit service providers that clients encounter only focus on billing errors. They don’t have people on staff who can help in other areas.

We have on staff experts who can help:

  • Understand telecom services as well as billing.
  • Align services with business needs.
  • Discover hidden services that are unused and can be canceled.
  • Discover underutilized services that can be right sized.
  • Exploit the terms and conditions of contracts to drive savings. (No waiting till contract expires.)
  • Are experts in negotiating better pricing with current and existing vendors, and uncovering pricing companies are eligible for.
  • Determine the market price for services.
  • Lock in savings.

We find for most clients’ billing errors are at most 5 to 10% of their telecom spend, by contrast 20-25% of the telecom budget is spent on unused of under utilized services. Many firms discover 20 to 25% of their budget can be saved by aligning prices for telecom services with lowest prices on the market.

By helping with all of these areas our medium and large clients are routinely pleased and sometimes shocked to discover they can save 50% of their landline voice and data budget, and 20 to 50% of their wireless spending.



To get a copy of the “Telecom Expense Management Self Assessment” worksheet emailed to you as an excel file, please go to this URL

The worksheet is a self assessment of how your current Telecom Expense Management processes compare to the leading practices recommended in our book “Principles of Telecom Expense Management” . The first column lists the 57 different things you need to do in order to fully optimize telecom costs. The second column “Typical Setup Today” lists what most companies do. The third column “With TEM SaaS” lists what TEM SaaS solutions are theoretically able to do. The fourth column shows what you can do with the leading practices recommended in this book. In the fifth column you can check off what your organization does today.

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