Competitive Landscape

There are a number of good competitors in the TEM industry. Their general focus is on the activities involved in acquiring and paying for telecom services — contract compliance, paying bills, looking for bill errors and anomalies. Most of the firms could best be described as Telecom Admin Support. This save time and about 15% of the money clients save with our unique methodology. The other 85% is left on the table.

With our unique methodology you and Berlin Pacific gain a detailed understanding of your voice, data, and other telecom services. This includes:

  • Your options for lower cost and higher quality servies
  • Exact details of the telecom servies you are paying for today
  • What services you require to run your business
  • What your vendor should be charging for services based on your contract
  • Wat are the best market rates for services you require


Berlin Pacific’s focus, as reflected by our compensation model, is on safely making expense reducing service and contract changes and driving savings to the bottom line. At the end of a Berlin Pacific project, our clients have their information in good order to transition to one of the Telecom Admin providers. Alternatively, Berlin Pacific will mentor an internal Office or Network administrator to achieve most of the benefits of outsourcing the function.


NEXT: Further Reading

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