Slash your corporate telecom costs and save


We're helping companies save up to 50% on their telecom bills for data, voice, and mobile, without changing vendors - and they only pay us if we deliver.

Are you overpaying for your Telecoms Bills?

The worst part? Many don't even realise they could save up to 50% on their telecom data network, internet, voice, and mobile costs!
Vendors don't tell you about all thing hidden in their bills that you don't have to pay for under your contract. Things like:

Billing errors

Charges for underutilized or unused services

Charges for overpriced service where you can get a better rate

They won't tell you that in a large $100,000 spend, normally this adds up to 50% of your telecom budget
We can help.
We're saving close to 50% on our yearly voice and data charges...this project has made me a hero with our CFO!
M. McConnell
Director Of IT, American Nursing Services

We'll Cut Your Telecom Expenses And Save You Up To 50% - Or You Don't Pay Us!

That's right, we'll assess your current telecom billing, implement the hidden cost savings that help you, and you only pay when we save you money. No savings, no fee.
  • Slash Telecom Bills by 50%
    Stop bleeding money on overpriced telecom services. We’ll find the best deals under your current or new contracts, remove billing errors and unused services, right size underutilized services, lock the savings in, and cut your bills in half.
  • Simplify Vendor Management
    Say goodbye to the chaos of dealing with multiple vendors and multiple long bills for hundreds of services with hidden unnecessary charges. We streamline minimizing the cost of your telecom services into a single, manageable solution.
  • Eliminate Hidden Fees
    No more nasty surprises in your bills. We ensure transparent, predictable billing so you know exactly where every dollar is going, and know that it's being spent on something that adds value, not on unnecessary fees.
  • Enhance Service Quality
    No more dropped calls, slow internet, or unreliable connections. If you're not happy with your vendors, we'll help secure top-notch, reliable telecom services from your current vendors or get you new services, so you have services that keep your business running smoothly.
  • Unlock Flexibility with Better Contracts
    Dump those rigid, long-term contracts. We negotiate flexible terms that adapt to your business needs, giving you the freedom to grow and change.
  • Boost Security and Compliance
    Protect your business from breaches and fines. We'll help you source the best solutions from your current or new vendors, ensuring your telecom infrastructure is secure and compliant with industry regulations.
  • Free Up Time for Strategy
    Stop wasting time on telecom billing issues. With us handling the details, you can focus on strategic initiatives that drive innovation and growth.
  • Stay Ahead with the Latest Tech
    Don’t get left behind. We'll help you source, from current and new vendors, access to the latest telecom technology at the best prices and service levels, keeping your business competitive and cutting-edge.

Hey...I'm the guy who's going to save you a fortune

Hey there, I'm Anders, the guy who’s going to turn your telecom bills from a nightmare into a dream come true. For over 15 years, I've been in the telecom and IT industry, optimizing spending, negotiating deals and slashing costs for companies just like yours. I know how to get you the best possible rates and more importantly identify and remove unnecessary costs vendors put in your bills.

I’ve saved companies millions and I’ve worked with some of the biggest names in industry. I’ve seen every scam, every hidden fee, and every overcharge – and I know how to make them disappear.

I'll help you transform your telecom and IT infrastructure from a cash-guzzling black hole into a efficient, manageable bills that frees up budget dollars to drive your business forward.

Together, we’ll take your telecom services billing from a chaotic mess of opaque billing items to the streamlined, cost-effective solution you were promised that makes you look like a genius.
Anders Mikkelsen
Managing Director

The Berlin Pacific No Savings, No Fee, Risk Free Guarantee

Here's how it works - fill in your details to book an initial review, once you've hit the 'book my initial review now' button you'll be redirected to my calendar to choose a date and time that works for us both to jump on a 15 minute video call and talk through your telecom billing set up. If I think I can help you save money I'll really go to work - I'll start to dig through your telecom billing data and invoices and using all of my industry expertise to get you a substantially lower monthly bill without having to change vendors - including while you are still in a contract. I'll do all the work, and if I can save you money - you pay me out of the savings.

That means I'm taking all the risk. It's easy to be skeptical when someone is offering such massive savings (I regularly save companies six and seven figures annually) so I want to make sure that you know this is not some pay up front service where I'm going to try my best and ultimately fail to deliver. You only pay me WHEN I deliver. So the real question now is what have you got to lose? 

Fill in your details, book an initial call and let's get started.
With our project winding down, I wanted to let you know what a good experience it has been. It's almost embarassing how much we were able to save, but our CEO didn't mind a bit because the recommendation was coming from a 3rd party we were able to get rid of a few sacred cows like employee pay phones that were almost never used. The invoice we received was very straight forward and very well supported by the savings outline you presented.

Thanks Again.
Ron Seidl
MIS Services Manager, Genova Products Inc
I went into this project a bit skeptical that we would save enough money to make the effort worthwhile.
I couldn't have been more wrong. We're saving close to 50% of our yearly voice and data charges as a result of the efforts of Berlin Pacific. This project has made me a hero with our CFO. I would not hesitate to use Berlin Pacific again on similar projects or to refer them to any company looking for significant communications savings.
M. McConnell
Director of IT, American Nursing Services
At a time when long distance rates are at an all time low, Berlin Pacific was able to think creatively to discover additional savings from our already deeply discounted carrier. He was able to produce savings on our ISDN video conferencing lines by analyzing our usage and through doggedly working through the bureaucracy at our carrier. Armed with a thorough knowledge of competitive rates, Berlin Pacific was able to renegotiate our contract and lower our monthly our Internet connectivity costs with a major tier one provider.
J. Skopin
Director of IT Infrastructure and Support, Mamiye Brothers
Berlin Pacific has been an extremely valuable supplier to the Prime Advantage organization, not only for our Members but for internal operations as well. Through an analysis of our telecommunications expenditures, Berlin Pacific was able to reduce our existing costs by 41%. Members in our organization have realized similar savings, ranging from 35% to 50%.
M. McDonald
Vice President New Business Relationships, Prime Advantage
I just want to thank you for all your help dealing with Verizon. You were great. Before you took over I spend numerous hours trying to resolve the billing issues and didn’t get very far. You accomplished more over the period of two months, than I was able to over a six month period. You not only saved me money, but also aggravation and time. After initial orientation you took it over and didn’t take up my time, keeping me in the loop with updates on your progress. I’m certain that without your help we wouldn’t be able to resolve Verizon’s overcharges. Thanks again.
A. Kazmierczuk
Pacor Inc

We're currently under contract so we can't do anything about our bill yet, can we?

Hidden charges? Check. Billing errors and overcharges in their favor? Services you never use but still pay for? Oh, absolutely. Pricing you're eligible for that isn't being taken advantage of? Happens every day. And my personal favorite- charges for services you thought you'd cancelled — yeah, apparently they "forgot" to remove them!

The reality is even when you’re under contract, there's usually plenty of fat that can be trimmed. And that’s where we come in - we’re not just bean counters or some guys who understand telecom tech, we live and breathe this stuff. We know exactly what parts of your bill can be changed, what can be renegotiated and what’s set in stone. More importantly, we’ve got the know-how and the right contacts to actually get those changes made.

So, while you might feel chained to your current bills, we’re pretty good at picking those locks. You should definitely still book an initial review because, frankly, there's a good chance you’re paying for stuff you don’t need to.

our set up is Chaotic with different providers for everything, can you still help? 

If you've got invoices coming in from a dozen different vendors it can quickly feel like you’re drowning in paperwork, right? 

Dealing with all these different providers and their never-ending invoices can drive anyone nuts. That’s where we come in - we love diving into the chaos that you don’t have time for—or frankly, the patience to deal with. 

Want to know why we love it when your current telecom setup feels like a complicated mess? Generally speaking, the more complicated your setup, the more money we usually find to save you hiding in the nooks and crannies. We’re talking about serious savings that you’ve probably missed.

If this is you, get your initial review booked in NOW - this is the stuff of our dreams and you are not going to believe how much we save you! 

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