
What do we do to identify unused or underutilized services?

A partner’s client asked – “Can you please provide more detail on what you do to identify unused or underutilized services?” It is a great question. Pre-requisite For EVERY Line, Number, Service we determine the Utilization Type Physical Location Line Status Hunt Group Business Need Relevant Contract, incl. end date or status If the phone […]

Comments on “Why Amazon Can’t Make A Kindle In The USA”

There’s a recent Forbes article on “Why Amazon Can’t Make A Kindle In the USA” It is quite interesting and people can learn a lot from Steve Denning about management. The article is a bit problematic though. The issue is probably more that the tone and content are misleading than that the fundamental ideas are […]

How Mortgage Industry Problems Parallel Vendor Cost Management

Today’s news shows that Allstate is suing Countrywide (owned by Bank of America) for misrepresenting the mortgage investments Countrywide sold Allstate. You can read a good analysis here. Allstate claims to have had no idea what is was really buying, just like most firms have no idea what they’re really buying from their telecom […]

Visibility—Key to Network Cost Management

[Download one pager on Visibility.] Visibility is the key to managing any cost, including network costs. Surprisingly even smaller firms have network management systems that give visibility in to the network and make tight management possible, yet they aren’t provided with network cost management systems that give them visibility it to their costs. This makes […]

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